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You are unlimited

Do you feel limited in your abilities, your dreams, or your situation? Do you feel like the odds are stacked against you and that success is out of reach? If so, it's time to edit your mindset and believe in the power of your words.

In a recent moment of inspiration, the Holy Spirit revealed to me that we are unlimited. This may sound like an audacious claim, but hear me out.

According to Romans 10:10, with the heart, one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation. Notice that the mind is not mentioned in this verse. As a human, you are a spirit, who has a soul and lives in a body. But in this verse, only the spirit (heart) and the body (mouth) are mentioned.

The Lord showed me that this is intentional. Throughout scripture, we see that believing and speaking are sacrosanct to receive from God. In Mark 11:23-24, Jesus says that whoever believes and speaks will receive whatever they ask for. In 2 Corinthians 4:13, Paul writes that "I believed and therefore I spoke."

This indicates that our circumstances which always manifest in our reasoning do not have a place in receiving from God. If we believe and speak what is in our hearts, God will do exactly as we say. Numbers 14:28 confirms this, stating that what we speak is what the Lord will do for us.

So, if you have something in your heart that you want to achieve, speak it into existence. Don't let your circumstances hold you back. If it's in your spirit, say it, and God will do it.

Isaiah 43:18-19 encourages us to forget the former things and believe that God will do a new thing. He will make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. The key is to speak as we believe, and God will deliver us.

Therefore, I challenge you to speak as you have believed. Your words have power, and they can transform your life. Don't limit yourself any longer. Trust in the unlimited power of God and speak your desires into existence. You are unlimited.

Join me in today's edition of Igniting Your Day

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