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Winning by the WORD

As believers, we are already victorious by birth. But there are times when situations want to question this reality through the challenges that test our faith. That's why it's important to understand not only that we are victorious by birth, but also that we are victorious in any situation through the word of God.

John 1:1-5, reveals the evolution of the word of God. The word has life in it but evolves as it gets to us. Jesus himself confirms this in John 6:63, saying that the words he speaks are spirit and life. But not only is the word of God full of life at its origin, but it also becomes the light of men when it is received. Psalms 119:130 says that the entrance of God's words gives light and understanding to the simple. And John 1:5, says that the light of the word shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not comprehend it. In other words, the word of God overcomes darkness when it arrives as light.

But what is darkness? The Bible describes it as anything that is anti-God, such as the way of the wicked or death. To a believer, darkness is simply anything that precedes the manifestation of light. This means that if we have a situation in our lives that the word of God has not yet reached, it takes on the characteristic of darkness which the Bible says causes men to stumble (John 11:10).

So how do we bring the light of God into our situations? By speaking it out. When we speak the word of God, we are shining the light within us into our circumstances. John 1:5 reveals that no darkness can overcome the word of God that we speak from our mouths. This means that every time we speak, we light up our circumstances and express our overcomer status.

So let's make the most of this day and every day moving forward. Let's light up 2023 and our lives by speaking the word of God with confidence and faith. Let's declare our victory and overcome any darkness that may come our way.

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