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Recreate your world

Welcome to 2023, a year full of unprecedented opportunities. As mentioned in the December 31st, 2022 edition of Igniting Your Day, it is important to spread ourselves and take advantage of these opportunities to the fullest. If there is anything in our lives that can prevent us from maximizing these opportunities, today is the day we fix such issues.

As believers filled with the Holy Spirit, we have the ability to recreate our world and make the most of the opportunities God has given us.

In Matthew 15:13, Jesus tells us that every plant not planted by His Father will be uprooted. And in John 15:1-2, He explains that even established plants must bear fruit or risk being removed. This is the time to remove any obstacles that may prevent us from maximizing the opportunities presented to us in 2023. No matter how attractive or beneficial they may seem, if they are not productive, they have no place in our lives.

  • Take a moment and declare that every plant that is not of God in your life be removed in Jesus' name.

After removing anything that may hold us back, it's time to plant and replant. The seed is the word of God. Luke 8:11 says ”Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God”. Take a few minutes to imagine what you want your 2023 to look like. Use your imagination and create images of the future you desire. And then speak God’s word. Even God imagined before saying "let there be light," we too can bring our desires to life through His word. Genesis 11:6 tells us that "nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined." Let's start creating the future we want by imagining it and speaking the same words God has said concerning us.

  • Take time to fill your life with blessings by speaking God’s word right now.

Finally, God commanded the earth that every seed should reproduce its kind. I declare concerning you today, that every seed you have planted prayerfully, even while reading this text will bring forth grass, will bring forth herbs and they will bring forth trees of its own kind in the name of Jesus.

Welcome to your new world.

Feel free to watch today’s edition of Igniting Your day and join us in declaring a new dawn for your life.

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