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Manage your liberty!

In Matthew 18:6-9, Jesus warns against causing others to sin and emphasizes the importance of not leading others astray. He uses strong imagery, saying it would be better to have a millstone tied around one's neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea than to cause someone to sin. While Jesus's words may seem extreme, they serve to underscore the gravity of leading others astray.

Apostle Paul expands on this concept in 1 Corinthians 8, addressing the issue of eating meat that has been offered to idols. He notes that while knowledge is important, it is love that truly strengthens the church. He goes on to caution against using one's freedom, in this case, the freedom to eat certain foods, to cause others with weaker consciences to stumble. Essentially, Paul is saying that we should be mindful of how our actions may impact others, particularly those who may not have the same level of understanding or conviction as us.

In light of these passages, it's important to remember that our actions, even those that may seem inconsequential to us, can have a significant impact on others. It's crucial that we strive to be mindful of how our choices may affect those around us, and make an effort to not lead others astray. As Paul says, it's better to show love and consideration for others than to prioritize our own desires or knowledge.

Join me in the following video as we speak these truths into our lives.

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