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Making Progress on the Path of Honor

Have you ever struggled to stay on the right path and make progress at the same time in your life? If so, you're not alone. In this blog post, we'll be exploring a top secret to consistently staying on the path of honor, as revealed in a conversation between God and Solomon in 1 Kings 3:5-14.

Solomon, like many of us, recognized his own inexperience and asked for help in navigating the path of honor. In verses 5-9, he asks God for an "understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil." God was pleased with Solomon's request and granted him not only the ability to discern but also riches and honor.

The key to staying on the path of honor, as revealed in this passage, is the ability to discern. But what does this mean? The word "discern" in this context doesn't just mean the ability to mentally separate things, issues, ideas, or suggestions, but also the ability to hear intelligently. This means that we must first be able to perceive things intelligently, paying attention to what matters, before we can separate and make decisions based on what aligns with the virtues and perfections of God.

As believers, we are honorable, a royal priesthood, called to display the virtues and perfections of God in all we do. This requires us to mentally separate things, issues, ideas, or suggestions that do not fit with the virtues and perfections of God. However, this process begins with our ability to perceive intelligently.

So, how do we hear and see things intelligently? It starts with being present and attentive at the moment, rather than rushing through or glossing over things. It means not just seeing things the way they really are, but seeing them the way they should be seen.

In conclusion, staying on the path of honor requires us to have the ability to discern, which begins with the ability to perceive things intelligently. Let us strive to be present and attentive in all we do so that we can separate what aligns with the virtues and perfections of God and then make progress on the path of honor.

Watch today's edition of Igniting Your Day here:

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