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I speak potent words.

Life is shaped by the words we speak. Our words have the power to direct the course of our lives and shape our destinies. The Bible speaks to this power in James 3:3-5, where it states that a small bit in a horse's mouth can direct its movement, and a small rudder can steer a large ship. Similarly, our tongues can make grand speeches, but they can also ignite a great fire.

But how do we use our tongues to position ourselves for the best in life? It's a question we've all likely asked ourselves at some point. And if we're being honest, we've likely wondered why not everyone is already rich. The answer lies in the quality of the words we speak. Where did we get those words? Who gave them to us? And how effective are they?

The Bible also speaks to the concept of idle words or words that are inactive and ineffective. Matthew 12:36 states that we will give an account for every idle word we speak on the day of judgment. But why must we give account for speaking these words?

The answer lies in the understanding of the forces God gave us to take advantage of time and gain dominion over it. These forces include speed in life, restoration, and the words we speak. There is a relationship between words and the passage of time. The scripture says concerning God in Hebrews 11:3 AMPC, that successive ages were framed, put in order, and equipped for their intended purpose by the words God spoke. This suggests that words have certain powers over time.

Consequently, every moment you have to speak is indeed an opportunity to exercise mastery over time. So Jesus said you will give an account of idle words because you indeed had a chance of becoming the hands and legs of God on earth at that moment but you "diluted" the "concentration" of that moment by speaking inactive words.

In this year, which is full of opportunities, speak active words. Colossians 4:5-6 states that we should walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time and letting our speech always be with grace. There is indeed a link between redeeming the time and the words we speak.

Today, the Lord is giving us an opportunity to exercise mastery over time by speaking potent words. 1 Corinthians 2:13 (TPT) teaches that we can articulate spiritual realities with the words imparted to us by the Holy Spirit.

Give yourself the best in life by articulating the beautiful realities you see in God's word with the words imparted by the Spirit of God. With these we can put our lives on a unique path of excellence that is hard for others to explain.

In conclusion, our words have immense power and we must use them wisely to shape our lives and destiny. Let us speak active, potent words and use every opportunity to exercise mastery over time.

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