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I make the difference

Today, let's talk about the importance of not just making a difference, but making the difference.

There are many people who are content with just making a difference, but I believe that we should strive to make the difference.

To make a difference is to cause a variation between an initial observation and a new observation. However, to make the difference is to cause a variation between an initial observation and an expected end. This is because the expected end is definite in most situations.

God did not send us into this world to make a difference; He sent us here to make the difference. This means that we should not be satisfied with simply causing a change from the status quo. Instead, we should strive to fulfill the expected end that God has in mind for us in those situations. It's important to remember that we are not here to satisfy men but to satisfy God. This means that our focus should be on fulfilling the expectations of God, rather than on making a difference in the eyes of others.

In 1 Peter 2:9, we are told that we are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a consecrated nation, and a special people for God's own possession. This passage reminds us that we are not here by accident, but that we have been chosen, consecrated, and fashioned by God for a specific purpose.

Therefore, we should not be content with just making a difference, but should strive to make the difference that God has called us to make. We should not be satisfied with only our progress but should press on towards the goal of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

In conclusion, I encourage you to be observant of your efforts and progress. Ask yourself intermittently. Am I making the difference?

Join me in the following video as we speak God's word into our lives.

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