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Control Your Future

Are you afraid of the future? Do you fear the unknown and what it might bring? It's a common fear, but it's one that you can overcome. As a Christian filled with the Holy Spirit, you have the ability to prophesy and speak about what is to come. This doesn't just apply to a select group of people, it's a right that we all have as Christians.

Prophecy involves foretelling and forth-telling. Foretelling is saying ahead of time what will happen, while forth-telling is bringing something into existence through speaking. As a spirit-filled believer, you have the power to do both of these things through the use of the word of God.

Hebrews 11:3, it says that we can frame successive ages, fashion them, put them in order, and equip them for their intended purpose through the use of the word of God. This means that we have the power to speak into the future and shape it to align with God's will. And because the word of God is incorruptible and eternal, it will continue to work for us.

So, if you want to control your future, start by speaking the written word of God. As you do this, you will gain access to the revealed word of God, which has more detailed information about what is to come. It's important to remember that the written word of God will never contradict the revealed word, so if that's all you have access to, don't be afraid to speak it.

Now is the time to take control of your future and use the power of prophecy to shape it. Don't be afraid of the unknown, embrace it and speak life into it through the word of God. As the dawn breaks and a new day begins, use your faith to command the morning and bring joy into your life. You have the power to create a bright future, so don't let fear hold you back.

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