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Building Your Capacity: A Guide to Making the Most of Your Qualification

As a qualified individual, it is important to consider your capacity. Your capacity will determine how much you are able to retain, no matter how much support you receive. Now that the year is fresh and all doors are open, it's the perfect time to ask yourself, "What is my capacity?" In this blog post, we will explore this question and see what the Bible has to say about capacity building.

Motivation for Building Capacity at all times

As a believer, your prime motivation for building capacity at all times should be the consciousness of the timelessness of God's word. Regardless of your present conditions, whatever God says to you will always have an impact. We operate on earth with reference to the past, present, or future. But God's word is timeless. His word will always be valid and have an impact. For example, in Isaiah 54:1-3, God speaks to a barren, desolate woman and declares that she has more children than a married woman. Despite her current reality, God's word is timeless and her future is not limited by her present circumstances. The same applies to you.

Sometimes, we tell ourselves that building certain capacities is too early. Please note that the arrival of a new season in your life is not determined by the duration of the old. You might have just started a new job. It shouldn't prevent you from building capacity for the next. So it is important to start building capacity now. There may be times when you feel like you're in the middle of something, or you feel like it's too early to start planning for your next move, but God's calendar is not limited by man's. And even if you feel like you're too deep into a mess to imagine a new dawn, nothing is too deep for God.

Breaking Hindrances to Expansion

Are there any hindrances to expansion in your life? Are you boxed into a space beneath what God has called you? It's time to declare them broken in the name of Jesus. You are free from everything that keeps you from building capacity in the name of Jesus. You are free to leave your comfort zone, add value to yourself, and build capacity. You are free to get better at your trade, improve in ministry, and be free indeed. I declare concerning you just as Jesus declared concerning Lazarus in John 11:44. "loose him and let him go" in the name of Jesus.

Pray for Yourself

Take some time to pray for yourself and declare that you are free indeed. John 8:35-36 says, "And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed." Declare today that you are free to build capacity and free to add value to yourself.

In conclusion, building your capacity is an important step in making the most of your qualifications. With the right motivation and a clear understanding of the timelessness of God's word, you can break hindrances to expansion and achieve your full potential. So, take some time to pray for yourself and start building your capacity today!

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