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Beyond Capable

As we progress into 2023, it is not unexpected that you would have started seeing and hearing certain unfriendly outlooks and trends concerning the year. Especially things that have to do with the global economy. However, it's important to remember that these negative outlooks and trends are influenced by Satan, whose ultimate goal is to make us feel incompetent and unsure of ourselves concerning our aspirations for the year. The Bible reminds us in 2 Corinthians 2:11 to be aware of Satan's tactics and not let him take advantage of us.

Apostle Paul also gives us wise counsel in Colossians 2:8-10 TLB, reminding us not to let others ruin our faith and joy with their flawed philosophies and shallow answers. Instead, we are to put our trust in Christ, who is the highest ruler with authority over every other power. Based on these verses, we can make three declarations:

1. My faith cannot be spoiled. 1 Peter 1:23

No matter what is said in the news or by others, our faith is based on the incorruptible and eternal word of God. We declare that our faith lives and grows every day and that we live by faith in the Son of God.

2. I am above all. Col 2:9TLB, Rom 13:1KJV and John 3:31

Because we are in Christ, we have all of God within us. This means that we are supreme in all things that concern us and have the authority to call things by name and enthrone ourselves over them.

3. There is no deficiency at all in us. Col 2:10TLB

We are complete in Christ and lack nothing. We are fully equipped to handle any challenges that come our way and can declare that we are more than capable.

It's important to remember and remake these declarations as we navigate 2023. By putting our trust in Christ and declaring these truths over our lives, we have confidence and poise in the face of evolving times.

Join me as I make these declarations in the following video.

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