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Be useful, relevant and ready!

How valuable am I to God? It is a question that we should all ask ourselves. The good news is that God loves us, but it is important to consider how we can be reliable and dependable in our faith.

One way to understand God's expectations is by looking at examples of people in the Bible who God trusted. For example, God spoke highly of Abraham, saying that he could be trusted to lead his family in the ways of the Lord (Genesis 18:19). God also considered Job to be a blameless and upright man (Job 1:8), and even referred to Jesus as His beloved son telling us to hear him (Luke 9:35).

But why is it important to be useful to God? One reason is that God has plans for us here on Earth and wants us to be his hands and feet in the lives of people. As it says in 2 Timothy 2:20-21, "if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work." In other words, if we want to be useful to God, we need to strive to be honorable and pure in our actions.

But being useful to God is not just about having certain qualities or skills. It's also about being relevant to the specific situations and circumstances that we find ourselves in. This means having access to the "hidden facts" of a situation and being able to apply our skills and knowledge in a way that is meaningful and impactful.

Finally, we should strive to be ready for God at all times. This means being "instant in season and out of season," as the King James Version puts it. We should be ready to serve God and do His work, no matter what challenges or obstacles we face.

As we move into the new year of 2023, let's make it our goal to be useful, relevant, and ready for God. Let's ask Him to help us so we can purify our lives and become vessels of honor.

Join me in the following video as we pray these words into our lives.

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